To display Assamese Unicode character in Java program follow the following steps- 1. check your JRE Home 2. change directory to C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_10\jre\lib (according to default java directory) generally within each installed JDK version there is a JRE directory. Go to that directory. another JRE directory is generally in C:\Program Files\JRE.. no need to modify this directory 3. wherever the JRE, go to that, which one is within JDK 4. there you find the following files ../JRE/lib/ ../JRE/lib/fontconfig.OS.Version.bfc ../JRE/lib/ ../JRE/lib/fontconfig.OS.bfc ../JRE/lib/ ../JRE/lib/fontconfig.Version.bfc ../JRE/lib/ ../JRE/lib/fontconfig.bfc There may be some less number of file, no problem, 3 will get minimum 3 files among the above listed files with extension .src 5. copy and past it in the same directory 6. rename ...