Word formation is the process of creating new words. In other words the ways in which new words are made on the basis of other words or morphemes. Most English vocabulary arises by making new lexemes out of old ones--either by adding an affix to previously existing forms, altering their word class, or combining them to produce compounds. These processes of construction are of interest to grammarians [1]. In this report I will try to write something on “Word formation of Assamese (Asomiya)”. The word Assamese is an English one, built on the same principle like Japanese, Chinese etc. The history and philology of the Assamese language was scientifically studied and presented for the first time by Dr. Banikanta Kakati[2]. The first Assamese grammar, “A Grammar of the Assamese Language” by William Robinson was published in 1839. In 1848, Nathan Brown published an Assamese Grammar, and in 1894, Prof. Nicholl published his “Sketch of Assamese Grammar”. After the work of Dr. Banikant Kakati, a...