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Computational Linguistic works on Assamese, published till 8-October-2012

তালিকাভুক্ত গৱেষণা পত্ৰকেইখন হ'ল যোৱা দশকটোত (২০০২-২০১২) বিভিন্ন আলোচনাচক্ৰ, কৰ্মশালা, সন্মিলন, তথা আলোচনীত পঠিত বা প্ৰকাশিত লিখনি, যি ৰাজ্যিক, ৰাষ্ট্ৰীয় তথা আন্তৰাষ্ট্ৰীয় পৰ্যায়ত অসমীয়া ভাষাক প্ৰতিনিধিত্ব কৰিছে আৰু গাণনিক ভাষাবিজ্ঞানৰ মেপত অসমীয়া ভাষক প্ৰতিষ্ঠা কৰিছে। দেখা যায় যে এই গোটেই কামখিনি মাত্ৰ তিনিটা পৰীক্ষাগাৰৰ পৰাহে হৈছে, তেজপুৰ বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় ভাষা সংসাধন কেন্দ্ৰ,  RCILTS-আই. আই. টি. গুৱাহাটী আৰু কম্পিউটাৰ বিজ্ঞান বিভাগ গুৱাহাটী বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়। ইয়াৰ উপৰিও CDAC, CIIL, LDC-IL আদি কেন্দ্ৰীয় চৰকাৰৰ ভাষা সংসাধন লেব সমূহটো অসমীয়া ভাষা বিভিন্ন ধৰণৰ কাম হৈছে যদিও তাৰ বেছিভাগ কামেই সদৰি কৰা নহয়, যাৰ ফলত সদৰি কৰা কামৰ সংখ্যা যঠেষ্ঠ কম।
  1. Analysis and evaluation of stemming algorithms: a case study with Assamese; N. Saharia, U. Sharma and J.K. Kalita; in Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), Chennai, 2012.
  2. Dynamic segmentation of vocal extract for Assamese Speech to Text Conversion using RNN; K. Dutta, K.K. Sarma; in proceedings of 2nd National Conference Computational Intelligence and Signal Processing (CISP), Guwahati, 2012.
  3. Segmentation of Assamese phonemes using SOM; M. Sarma, K.K. Sarma;  in proceedings of 3rd National Conference on Emerging Trends and Applications in Computer Science (NCETACS), Shillong, 2012
  4. Formant frequency estimation of phonemes of Assamese speech; M. Sarma, K.K. Sarma; in proceedings of 2nd National Conference Computational Intelligence and Signal Processing (CISP), Guwahati, 2012.
  5. Suffix stripping based NER in Assamese for location names; P. Sharma U. Sharma, J.K. Kalita, in proceedings of 2nd National Conference Computational Intelligence and Signal Processing (CISP), Guwahati, 2012.
  6. An Extractive Approach of Text Summarization of Assamese using WordNet; C. Kalita, N. Saharia and U. Sharma; in proceedings of Global WordNet Conference (GWC), Japan, 2012
  7. A Novel Approach for Document Classification using Assamese WordNet; J. Sarmah, N. Saharia, S.K. Sarma; in proceedings of Global WordNet Conference (GWC), Japan, 2012.
  8. Assamese Vocabulary and Assamese Wordnet Building : An Analysis; S.K. Sarma,U. Saikia, M. Mahanta, H. Bharali; in proceedings of Global WordNet Conference (GWC), Japan, 2012.
  9. A Dictionary Based POS Tagger for Morphologically Rich Language; N. Saharia, U. Sharma and J.K. Kalita; Machine Intelligence:Recent Advances, Narosa Publishing House, Editors. B. Nath, U. Sharma and D.K. Bhattacharyya, ISBN-978-81-8487-140-1, 2011.
  10. Development of Assamese WordNet; I. Hussain, N. Saharia, U. Sharma; Machine Intelligence:Recent Advances, Narosa Publishing House, Editors. B. Nath, U. Sharma and D.K. Bhattacharyya, ISBN-978-81-8487-140-1, 2011.
  11. A Suffix based Noun and Verb Classifier for an Inflectional Language; N. Saharia, U. Sharma and J.K. Kalita; International Conference on Asian Language Processing(IALP-10), China, 2010
  12. Architecture of a Spell Checker for an Indo-Aryan Language– Assamese; S.K. Sarma, K. Baishya, A. Gogoi; International Journal on Computational Linguistics;  Vol 1 Issue1, ISSN-2180-1266, 2010.
  13. Speech Recognition of Assamese Numerals Using Combinations of LPC - Features and Heterogeneous ANNs; M.P. Sarma,K.K. Sarma; Information and Communication Technologies Communications in Computer and Information Science Volume 101, 2010
  14. KINSHIP TERMS IN ASSAMESE LANGUAGE; S.K. Sarma, U. Saikia and M. Mahanta; in Proceedings of 3rd IndoWordnet Workshop, IIT Kharagpur, 2010
  15. Foundation and Structure of Developing an Assamese Wordnet,  S.K. Sarma, R. Medhi, M. Gogoi, U. Saikia; Global Wordnet Conference (GWC), Thailand, 2010.
  16. First Step Towards development of Assamese Parser; N. Saharia, U. Sharma and J.K. Kalita, National Seminar on Lexical Resources and Applied Computational Techniques on Indian Languages, Pondicherry University, 2010
  17. Part of Speech tagger for Assamese Texts; N. Saharia, D. Das, U. Sharma and J. Kalita; In proceedings of the ACL-IJCNLP, Singapore, 2009
  18. Parsing of Assamese Sentences; N. Saharia, U. Sharma; 54th Annual Technical Session of the Assam Science Society, Tezpur University, Feb 4, 2009,
  19. Parsing of Part of Speech Tagged Assamese Texts; M. Rahman, S. Das, U. Sharma;  International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Volumn 6, Number 1, 2009
  20. Acquisition of Morphology of an Indic Language from Text Corpus; U. Sharma, J.K. Kalita, and R.K. Das; ACM Transactions of Asian Language Information Processing (TALIP), vol 7, no. 3, article 9, 2008.
  21. Consolidating Affix Evidence for Classification of Words; U. Sharma, R.K. Das  and J.K. Kalita;  National Conference on Trends in Advanced Computing (NCTAC), Tezpur University, 2007.
  22. Universal Networking Language (UNL) Representation of Assamese Sentences; R. Dixit and U. Sharma; National Conference on Trends in Advanced Computing (NCTAC), Tezpur University, 2006.
  23. Unsupervised Acquisition of Morphological Features of Assamese from a Text Corpus; 2006 U. Sharma, R.K. Das and J.K. Kalita; National Workshop on Trends in Advanced Computing (NWTAC), Tezpur University, 2006.
  24. Part of Speech Tagging for Assamese Language; K.P. Gupta and U. Sharma; Symposium on Computational Linguistics, Quantification and Computation, Hyderabad University, 2005
  25. Root Word Stemming by Multiple Evidence from Corpus; U. Sharma, J.K. Kalita and R.K. Das; 6th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Natural Computing (CINC-2003), North Carolina, 2003.
  26. Spell Checking in MSWord for Assamese"; M. Das, S. Borgohain, J. Gogoi, S.B. Nair; in proceedings of International Conference on IT, Kathmandu, Nepal, May, 2003. 
  27. Design and implementation of a Spell Checker for Assamese; M. Das, S. Borgohain, J. Gogoi, S.B. Nair; in proceedings of Language Engineering Conference, University of Hyderabad, Dec 2002.
  28. Classification of Words Based on Affix Evidence; U. Sharma, J.K. Kalita and R.K. Das; International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON), Mumbai, 2002
  29. Unsupervised Learning of Morphology for Building a Lexicon for Highly Inflectional Language, Morphological and Phonological Learning; U. Sharma, J.K. Kalita and R.K. Das; Proceedings of the 6th Workshop of the ACL Special Interest Group in Computational Phonology (SIGPHON), Philadelphia, July 2002.

Please inform me if you found any work that was not listed above. 
Date: 8-October-2012 


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