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Safely uninstall Linux from a Dual boot system

Safely uninstall Linux from a Dual boot system Most faced problem during last two years in our hostel is to uninstall Linux from a dual boot (Linux + windows) system. Here is a simple solution to uninstall or delete Linux completely and safely. Requirements: Windows XP/Vista/7 startup disk or Windows XP(verified with XP only) bootable floppy . Steps to be followed 1. Boot your Windows XP/Vista/7. 2. Go to Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Computer Management (UAC or User Account Control in Vista/7) 3. Go to Disk Management under “Storage” 4. Select your Hard Disk and then the Linux partition. [Delete the Linux partition this will delete Linux as well as grub.] 6. Now reboot your system with Windows XP/Vista/7 start up disc or floppy and type the command “fixmbr”. 7. Above command will repair ur bootloader and rewrite ntldr which will replace corrupted grub. 8. Now reboot your system Thats it.......

বহাগৰ আয়োজন

" হালধীয়া ফুলেৰে ভৰা পখটো সেওঁটা ফালিছে সোণাৰুৱে.... ইটো পথৰ পথিক মই ভাবিছো সিটোৰ হালধীয়া সোণাৰুৰ কথা......" "মদাৰৰে ফুল হেনো কামে কাজে নেলাগে...লাগে পিছে আকাশত ৰং সানিবলে...."

Go: Google's New programming Language

Go is a Compiled, Garbage collected, System programming language developed by Google. It was officially launched on November'09. At present Linux based and Mac based compilers are available for Go language. Official site for for Go language is: . The following is the hello program for go language. package main import fmt "fmt" func main () { fmt. printf ( "Hello World \ n"); }

How to cite a website in LaTex

A. Using howpublished key of @MISC Make an entry like following in bibtex file @MISC{saharia08, author = {N. Saharia}, title = {Use of how published key and website citation}, month = {December}, year = {2008}, howpublished=} } Now in your latex document simply use \cite{--} command or \nocite{*} for printing all references \documentclass{article} \bibliographystyle{plain} \usepackage{url} \begin{document} \nocite{*} \bibliography{} \end{document}

Display Assamese Unicode character in a Java program

To display Assamese Unicode character in Java program follow the following steps- 1. check your JRE Home 2. change directory to C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_10\jre\lib (according to default java directory) generally within each installed JDK version there is a JRE directory. Go to that directory. another JRE directory is generally in C:\Program Files\JRE.. no need to modify this directory 3. wherever the JRE, go to that, which one is within JDK 4. there you find the following files ../JRE/lib/ ../JRE/lib/fontconfig.OS.Version.bfc ../JRE/lib/ ../JRE/lib/fontconfig.OS.bfc ../JRE/lib/ ../JRE/lib/fontconfig.Version.bfc ../JRE/lib/ ../JRE/lib/fontconfig.bfc There may be some less number of file, no problem, 3 will get minimum 3 files among the above listed files with extension .src 5. copy and past it in the same directory 6. rename ...

এগছি বন্তিৰ সন্ধানত

নৈঃশব্দৰ বুকুফালি গজি উঠা এটি সপোন বুকুত লৈ – এয়া গৈ আছো মই, এটা নতুন দিশত ... এগছি বন্তিৰ সন্ধানত। ক্ৰমশঃ চুটি হই অহা - মোৰ পথটোৰ পথিক কেবল মই আৰু শূণ্য বাস্তৱ। ইটো ষ্টপেজৰ পৰা ঢপলিয়াই গৈছো সিটোলৈ ... সিটোৰ পৰা আন এটালৈ ........ এক অবিৰত যাত্ৰা। শূণ্যৰ পৰা আৰম্ভ হোৱা জীৱনটোৱে মোৰ সলালে কেইবাবাৰো হুমুনিয়াহ কাঢ়িবলৈও শিকিলে গভীৰ বেদনাত সি কান্দে উচুপি উচুপি। সপোনটোৱে বুকুতে শিপাইছে দকৈ সুদুৰত এদছি বন্তিৰ ছকামকা আবেশ দুনয়ন তাতে থই এয়া শূণ্য বাস্তৱৰ সতে – --- এন্ধাৰ ফালি গই আছো মই। মোৰ পিছত বিগত যৌৱনা জীৱনৰ নৃশংস কংকাল। সুহৃদ পাঠক! আই আৰু পিতায়ে জ্বলোৱা মোৰ আশাৰ বন্তিগছিত আপোনালোকেও দিয়কছোন এটুপি তেল শলিতা হৈ মই নিজে আছো ৰৈ। আশাৰ বন্তিগছি জ্বলায়েই যাব লাগিব আৰু বহুদুৰ.... আৰু বহু ষ্টপেজ..... প্ৰতিটো ষ্টপেজ পাৰ হবলৈ ৰব লাগিব কমেও চাৰি, ছয়, দুই অথবা তিনি বছৰ আপোনালোকেও কৰকছোন অংকটো – চাৰি + ছয় + দুই + তিনি + ... + অসীমলৈ .... দকৈ শিপাৱো সপোনটো বুকুত লৈ এয়া গৈ আছো মই জীৱন মৰুত মৰুদ্যান বিছাৰি.....।   বিঃদ্ৰঃ যদিও কবিতা বুলিছোঁ, তথা...

DBSCAN implementation

Java implementation of DBSCAN ( Density-Based Spatial Clustering Applications with Noise ) algorithm. // import OBJECT.*; import*; /************************************************************************ * dbscan CLASS: ************************************************************************/ public class dbscan extends obj { public obj list[][]; public obj db[]; public int k; public int a[]; public int c; public int mpn; public double eps; public String filename; public dbscan()throws IOException { db=new obj[5000]; int j=0,x=0,r=0; double d; eps=3.0; mpn=4; expand_cluster(); display(); } /************************************************************************ * DISPLAY THE CLASSIFIED LOCAL OBJECTS ************************************************************************/ public void expand_cluster()throws IOException { InputStreamReader isr=new InputStreamReader(; BufferedRead...